Too Young to Die

I had planned to post a different article today for my Hope Series, but right now, I just need to talk.

This morning I learned that searchers found the body of our twenty-one-year-old friend, who’s been missing for three weeks, floating in the Bay. We’ve prayed diligently every day for his safe return, since he left home. I know his mom and brother have been going out of their minds with worry and fear.

This is exactly why I began the series in the first place. Hopelessness and despair has a grip on people young and old. We have lost our anchor.

Life is hard. We all have days when we wonder how we’ll ever recover from the blow that has taken us down. But when we turn to God, we recover. I don’t know how it’s possible sometimes, but we do. It doesn’t happen quickly, and it’s not always pretty along the way, but we do recover. We even smile and laugh and love again, when we thought we never would.

We rise from the ashes of war, abuse, divorce, addiction, bankruptcy, and incarceration. With Christ. He is the anchor that holds us steady through the storm and keeps us from drifting into despair. In this world of grief and suffering He is our only Hope.

I’m a bit of a mess myself today. I’m sad, and so very angry. He died too young! I keep picturing this young man as he was when I saw him last–vibrant, in love with Jesus, curious, and mischievous. I pray he reached for Jesus in his last moments, who I am confident was there, reaching out to him.

I want the anguish to stop! For people to turn to God, and let Him heal their wounds and guide them through the messes and heartaches of life like only He can.

My soul is in deep anguish.
    How long, Lord, how long?

Turn, Lord, and deliver me;
    save me because of your unfailing love.

 I am worn out from my groaning.

All night long I flood my bed with weeping
    and drench my couch with tears.

 The Lord has heard my cry for mercy;
    the Lord accepts my prayer.

Psalm 6:3-4, 6, 9

God hears our cries and He cares about our pain. If you have been thinking about ending your own life please, please understand that this is not the answer. And your death will leave so much heartache for those left without you. Reach out for Jesus instead. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what to say. He knows your heart. I He will help you through.

Do not choose death. Choose life with Jesus. Let Him ease your suffering and bring you joy.


8 responses to “Too Young to Die”

  1. Christine Finkbeiner Avatar
    Christine Finkbeiner

    Jesus yes Jesus,
    My heart goes out to you today & in the coming days. Sorry my friend & I pray they reached for each other too.

    1. Thank you, Christine. Yes. Yes.

  2. Carol Wilson Avatar
    Carol Wilson

    “Lord Jesus, Thank you for being Beth’s Comforter and all the ones who love this young man. Please let each of these precious ones receive extra measures of Your comfort and strength as the grieve. Thank you, Lord, too for giving eternal hope. Amen.”

    1. Thank you Carol. God is our Comforter.

  3. Joanne Schneider Avatar
    Joanne Schneider

    So well spoken, Beth! I don’t know the circumstances of this young man, but this feels like a collective community of grief, including my heart.
    God, help our world!

  4. It is indeed, Joanne. Thank you for your prayers. We need to extend hope to the hurting!

  5. Patricia Johnson Avatar
    Patricia Johnson

    Hello Beth, I was just reading this SAD SAD email, wow that is so HEART WRENCHING. I could just imagine how the family are feeling with this young man passing away, SO SORRY Beth.. Your words are very comforting. 💔💔

  6. Thank you, Patricia. God can use even these tragedies to draw people to Himself. Praying many will turn to Him for comfort and peace.