Hope for Our Children: Hope Series #28

Good parenting is exhausting! It would be easier to just let our kids do whatever they want—eat sugar and no vegetables; give in when they whine; let the TV, computer, and phone keep them out of our way; let them make life-altering choices based on their feelings and what society says, rather than researching the facts with them so they can make informed choices. No curfew, no supervision, no rules, no problem. Right?

The opposite end of the spectrum is to micromanage every step; be so rigid and harsh that they learn to fear and despise us, and hate our rules. Or, we can hover and be so intertwined and codependent with them that we feel responsible for their choices—good or bad—and are only happy when they’re happy and doing well. Really exhausting!

God’s Word tells us that good parents give rules and boundaries that expand as our children mature and prove they can make wise choices on their own. It has to start from day one. He tells us not to punish in anger, but discipline with love and a deep desire to help them become intelligent, caring individuals. Discipline provides appropriate consequences so they can learn to practice self-control and make a better choice next time.

Some great parenting advice from the Bible:

Discipline your children, for in that there is hope;
    do not be a willing party to their death.

Prov. 19:18, emphasis added

He who does not punish his son when he needs it hates him,

but he who loves him will punish him when he needs it.

Prov. 13:24, NLV (New Life Version)

But what if you are doing, or did, everything right and your children choose to turn against God, and you? Have you failed as a parent? You believed those who quoted to you, “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6, NKJV), as if it were a math formula. You wonder, “What did I do wrong?”

What many people don’t know is that Proverbs is not meant to be a book of promises, but a book of principles that are usually, but not always, true. If you do A, then B is usually the result, but it doesn’t always happen that way. Hard work does not always bring a profit. Generosity is not always rewarded. And the husband and children of a noble wife do not always rise up to bless her.

So why do we still read Proverbs and try to live by these principles? Because they are God-inspired. Because they are good and right. Because to live any other way is to be living contrary to God’s wisdom. And, because when we raise our children with the truth, there is hope for them. They can eventually come back to the God they learned about as a child, even if they initially rebel.

When we commit to doing what is right, we will be blessed, but the blessings may not come in the form we expect. God will reward generosity. Godly women will one day be recognized by more than just their families. And children can, and often do, return to the principles they were taught at home, if they search for the truth. So do not give up hope, dear parent.

I’m speaking to myself as well as to all of us who are praying for our children to know and live for Jesus. God is answering our prayers and using the seeds we planted to nurture a tender shoot of faith. And He will redeem whatever mistakes we made along the way.

“Even If” by Mercy Me?

Wishful Nonsense, or Proof of the Resurrection? Hope Series #27

I waited on purpose to post an Easter blog until after the Day. It’s such a busy time of church programs and family gatherings, and good messages coming from everywhere. But if you’re like me, you might need a little something after the celebration dies down and you’re coming off the high. When we’re exhausted from all the busyness, that’s when we need to be reminded it’s not just a feel-good story, but a miraculous, impossibly true event, worth staking our lives on.

On Easter our pastor was talking about what we need to do to keep on walking in our Christian faith, even after the first glow is over. We read from Luke 24: the women went with more spices for Jesus’ body and discovered He wasn’t there! Angels told them Jesus had risen from the dead, just as He had predicted. So they ran to tell the disciples:

When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others…But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense” (Luke 24:9, 11).

There were two who decided to go and see. Peter…got up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he went away, wondering to himself what had happened” (Luke 24:1-11). John, however, “who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed” (John 20:8).

To imagine that anyone could live again—after such brutal torture, suffering death on a cross, wrapped in 75-100 pounds of spices, locked in a tomb sealed by a heavy stone, with guards posted outside for three days—takes a lot of faith. It seems like nonsense—too good to be true.

That’s what the writer of Hebrews says in Hebrews 11:1-2: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.” The “ancients” he refers to are the prophets, who never got to see the fulfillment of everything they preached. Yet they held firm that what God said was true. So much so, that they were willing to die for those beliefs.

That’s exactly what the disciples ended up doing, because they saw Jesus in person. Not just once or twice, but numerous times over a period of 40 days of fellowship and instruction, before He returned to heaven. However, since Jesus knew only first century Christians would have the luxury of seeing Him in person, He prayed for us ahead of time:

“My prayer is not for [the disciples] alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message” (John 17:20, emphasis added). “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29).

What about you? Do you struggle to accept what you’ve heard from others who’ve experienced the love and power of the risen Christ personally? Does the resurrection sound like nonsense, like wishful thinking and fairytales? Even Jesus’ disciples thought so at first, until they saw the evidence. Their Friday turned to Sunday and they spent the rest of their lives declaring this truth to everyone they met. They turned the world upside down with the miraculous news that Jesus is God. He died for our sins; He rose again; and He is reigning at the right hand of the Father until the time is right for Him to take His people home.

I think my favorite Easter song this year has been “Sunday is Coming” by Phil Wickham. For every one of our “Black Fridays” of life, we have hope, because Jesus rose from the dead on Easter morning!

God is THE Promise Keeper: Hope Series #26

My dad died unexpectedly on January 26. I’m missing him. He was 90 and could no longer read, or drive, or teach Sunday school, since his stroke last Christmas Eve. But Dad was back to playing pickle ball three times a week, and lifting weights for two. His sense of humor was quick and sharp, and our times together were sweet. But it ended rather quickly.

My husband was just recovering from a double hernia surgery. A week into his healing my mom was rushed to the hospital and had her own emergency surgery. So, my sisters and I were taking turns staying with Dad. I brought Mom home from the hospital on Tuesday. On Thursday Dad and I had just walked over to play pickle ball when he sat on the stairs in terrible pain. I didn’t know what to do! We called an ambulance which came and took him to the ER. There they discovered he had an inoperable tear in his aorta, originating at his heart.

God gave us time to gather and say goodbye as Dad slowly slipped away. It was heart wrenching, but glorious too. Pain, of course, is awful, and it’s agonizing to watch the transition from life to death. But with the assurance he could still hear us, we talked to Dad and each other, prayed, and sang about our life in Jesus, until God took him home.

What does this have to do with God’s promises? A LOT. One definition of hope is “the absolute expectation of coming good.” And I am absolutely positive there is a lot of good coming in heaven! I’m looking forward to seeing my dad again , as well as other loved ones who have already died. And I have hope for good in this life too, as God works out all the details of every challenge I face here and now.

There is only One whose promises are completely trustworthy—the Lord God Almighty. No one can hinder Him, nor can circumstances thwart His plans. God is faithful; we can trust Him. The past gives proof for our coming hope.

God watches over the death of the saints (His followers) with tender compassion. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants” (Psa. 116:15).

He promises an inheritance of good for generation after generation of those who choose to follow Him. Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments” (Deut. 7:9).

He will protect us from Satan’s attempts to tempt and discourage us. “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one” (2 Thess. 3:3).

He promises to be our strength when we are weak (which is every day!) and be with us on the journey. “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it” (1 Thess. 5:24).

Best of all, Jesus promised that death is not the end. When a believer dies, they simply moves to their forever home with Jesus, who said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die” (John 11:25-26).

Have people broken their promises to you? Even those you thought were Christians? People will let us down—they get sick, change their minds, or things happen beyond their control. But look what Jesus said about life and death and eternity in the Bible. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and see how Jesus kept His word to His followers, and what He predicted about the life to come. You can be sure that Jesus will never break His promises.

He is our faithful God. I hope you enjoy this song by the same title.

“Faithful God’, We Are They

Hope in the Dark: Hope Series #25

These are the darkest months of the year and many are floundering emotionally. Including me. I already struggle with seasonal darkness and occasional depression, but right now I’m going through what many believers call a dark night of the soul. We’ve been praying more than two years for my daughter’s healing and it feels like God’s not there.

In December 2021, she contracted covid, which developed into pneumonia. And she’s never been the same.

My daughter has gone from being a physically fit mother of three in her 30’s, to a person who spends most of her time in bed, in constant pain. And no one can find a solution. She’s been to every kind of doctor and tried treatments and supplements. There have been a few tentative diagnoses, like long covid, toxic mold, and POTS, but no relief from the symptoms. In the meantime, she’s in constant pain, exhausted by the least exertion, her heart beats too fast (even when laying down), she struggles for breath, and cognitive issues make it difficult for her to form and express thoughts.

My baby is in pain and I can’t fix it. I have to trust her to God—praying that she and her husband’s hope will not die. That their faith will remain strong, even in the dark. And that their children will see and learn a deep trust in God, even when, as yet, there is no relief from the pain and mounting medical bills.

Maybe you’re there too. You or your loved one are in a dark night and wonder how much longer you, or they, can hold on.

It’s helped me to read biographies of Christians who’ve either been healed, or received a more perfect answer from God. I’ve read about Catherine Marshall, Amy Carmichael, C.S. Lewis, and Joni Eareckson Tada, and I am humbled by their stories. They’re honest about how they ricocheted back and forth between quiet faith and railing at God in despair. Some great movies based on people’s lives also encourage me—“Miracles of God,” “Heaven is for Real,” “I Can Only Imagine,” “I Still Believe.” Especially when not every ending is tied up in a pink bow, and yet are full of hope.

So why does God allow good people to suffer? Why is my daughter, who was steeped in ministry, now confined to bed in excruciating pain? Why are you, or the one you love suffering without relief? The book of Job from the Bible helps a lot. Job was given insight into a world beyond ours—the spiritual realm—where there is a constant battle going on for the souls of men. There we learn that God allows Satan to cause us pain and suffering sometimes, in order to prove and strengthen our faith. But God will never let Satan go too far. It’s up to us to trust God knows what He’s doing, even when we cannot see behind the curtain.

God’s Word gives me hope to keep believing, because I know He’s the only One who can make things better.

The prospect of the righteous is joy,
    but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing.

Prov. 10:28

In this world, both believers and unbelievers suffer, but only those who trust in Jesus have the promise of heaven, where there will be no more tears or pain, or separation from God.

Hope deferred [delayed, overdue] makes the heart sick,
    but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

Prov. 13:12, brackets mine

Maybe you feel like it’s long past time for God to answer your prayers. His lack of response makes you wonder whether He really is a loving God.

You’re not alone. For centuries other Christians have wondered this too. But have realized that even when the pain seemed unbearable, God was in the dark with them. There is no hope anywhere else but in Him. Jeremy Camp has learned this in his own experiences and expresses it well in his song “Out of My Hands.”

Please contact me if you would like me to pray for you. And leave a comment if you have a praise story that would encourage others.

It’s Not Enough to Just Believe

Tis the season for Hallmark, plus a wide range of other Christmas movies old and new. Some are based on the actual reason we celebrate Christmas, but most are either crazy humor or fluffy sentiment. I like a mix of all. But I’m disturbed by the sweet-sounding advice we get from more and more movies and songs, especially at Christmas, that everything will work out if we “just believe.” “Have faith,” they say, and the “magic” will happen.

I can “just believe” I’m a giraffe, but that’s doesn’t make me one. I can “just believe” I will win the lottery, but that doesn’t mean I will (especially since I’ve never bought a ticket). I can have faith in Christmas “magic,” but that is not based in reality.

What we must know about believing, faith, hope, and trust, is that there must be an object worthy to put our faith in. There must be evidence to convince us someone or something is trustworthy and dependable, and won’t let us down. Hanging our hopes on thin air is not enough.

I believe in my husband because he proves himself every day—evidenced by his affection, commitment, faithfulness to me, and investment in our relationship. I can lean into that.

I believe in God even more, because He has proven faithful not just to me, but to millions of others throughout history. Even if my husband should fail me and break my trust, I can always hope in God, who never breaks His promises.

I once heard faith in God compared to the confidence we put in a chair when we sit down and lean back in it with our full weight. So often we approach God as if we’re unsure of His qualifications to hold us up. We tentatively perch on the edge of His lap, expecting He will get up and leave before we can settle in, or collapse on us at any moment. But that’s not what I see in scripture, in the world around me, or in my own life.

God loves it when we nestle into Him expecting Him to follow through:

The Lord delights in those who fear [respect, honor] him,
    who put their hope in his unfailing love.

Ps. 147:11, my note in brackets

Psalm 146 gives us twelve reasons why God is worthy of our hope and it just occurred to me that these reasons could be called The Twelve Hopes of Christmas:

[The generations] speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty
    and I will meditate on your wonderful works.

They tell of the power of your awesome works—
    and I will proclaim your great deeds.
They celebrate your abundant goodness
    and joyfully sing of your righteousness.

The Lord is gracious and compassionate,
    slow to anger and rich in love.

The Lord is good to all;
    he has compassion on all he has made.

Ps. 146:5-9, emphasis mine

  1. Splendor—We see evidence of God’s majestic glory when the sky lights up with a sunrise or sunset, drive through snow covered mountains, or watch the powerful waves of the ocean.
  2. Wonderful Works—Hope rises when we ponder the changed lives around us, His miraculous rescues, and provision.
  3. Power—God not only cares, but has power to elicit change.
  4. Great Deeds—Like my husband, God’s actions confirm His commitment to us.
  5. Abundant Goodness—God is good; it is His character, baked into the heart of who He is.
  6. Righteousness—God always does the right thing, because He has the perspective of eternity, which we do not have.
  7. Gracious—His gracious kindness is not just a polite act God puts on for company; we can be assured He will always be the same.
  8. Compassionate—We may feel compassion when we witness suffering up close, but then quickly forget and go on our way. God’s compassion does not forget.
  9. Slow to Anger—How quickly we get angry at others in traffic, when they make cutting remarks about us, or fail to appreciate us. But God sees our motivations and our heart, and gives us chance after chance to come to Him.
  10. Rich in Love—Love is in the air at Christmas, but for the most part it’s emotional and short-lived. God’s love is unconditional—based not on our character, but on His.
  11. Good to All—Scripture reminds us that God sends rain on the just and the unjust. He provides food for all. His offer of salvation is open to everyone. He does not play favorites.
  12. Compassionate to All—Finally, God’s compassion is poured out to each of us. He cares for every person He has created, and wants to give each of us a hope and a future.

Hang your hopes on Jesus this Christmas, and all year round. Lean into Him and give Him your dreams. Let Him care for your needs. For Christmas this year, give Him your heart and believe He is not just a baby in the manger, but our Lord and King, our Savior, and Redeemer.

He came as Immanuel—”God is With Us” by King and Country.

Companionship With God: Hope Series #23

As we look forward to Thanksgiving tomorrow, this piece in the series seems especially appropriate. Thanksgiving seems to me to be the purest of holidays. With no wish lists and huge decorating frenzies, we simply gather and thank God for all our blessings. What joyful simplicity!

The other day I got some unexpected time with one of my grandchildren. Ella was out of school for the day, so she came to hang out, while her mom did bookwork for our business. Ella snuggled up to me while I ate lunch on the couch, and we hunted for the Waldo-like character in our Bible Sleuth book. She didn’t need anything from me, wasn’t looking for answers—just wanted to be with me. It was sweet and companionable, and we both soaked it up.

I think that is what the psalmist was expressing in these verses:

1My heart is not proud, Lord,
    my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
    or things too wonderful for me.
But I have calmed and quieted myself,
    I am like a weaned child with its mother;
    like a weaned child I am content.

Ps. 131:1-3

I never understood this passage until I became a mom.

I loved nursing both my babies. Our times together were intimate and precious. No one else could understand the closeness of those moments. But there were times when I felt more like a milk bottle than a person they loved and longed to spend time with. Their cries in the middle of the night were jangling to my already sleep-deprived mind, and when they pulled and clawed at me in a feeding frenzy, it did not feel tender and loving.

After they began eating solid foods, though, they were somewhat calmer about waiting for meals or snack times. Often, my girls stood close enough to touch me or stroke my leg while I worked in the kitchen. At other times they would crawl in my lap or snuggle next to me to get closer. I finally understood what the psalmist was describing. My children were calm, quiet, content, just to be near me. They still needed me, but our relationship was different.

What a beautiful picture of a companionable reliance on God! We continue to hope in Him, waiting for something that hasn’t happened yet. But more than that, we just want to be near Him. Psalm 131 gives even more wisdom about waiting:

First, not to be proud. Like verse one says, we don’t need to act like a know it all, telling God (and others) what to do, how and when to do it, as if we know what’s best. We can come to God in childlike trust instead of with our to-do list.

Secondly, we don’t need to constantly question God, demanding answers to mysteries He has chosen to keep secret for now. If we trust Him, we won’t need to fret about the unknowns.

And third, we can learn to lean into Him during devotions and moments of praise throughout the day, without asking for a single thing. Instead of a nursing baby who wants to be fed at the first hunger pang, demanding and impatient, we can calm and quiet our souls.

How do we do that? By looking at how faithful He’s been to believers throughout the ages, and especially, to us. By being thankful!

God is our Hope. He is our place of peace. Our refuge. Our safe place when all around is confusion and uncertainty.

I pray you will take a few minutes to sit close to the Lord right now, and express your love for Him as you listen to Bridge Worship’s “Shalom.”

Waiting With Every Fiber of My Being: Hope Series #22

Not long ago, a group of us were talking about how difficult it is to wait—especially in traffic. It’s annoying when some guy in front of you goes 20 mph under the speed limit, and there’s no passing lane for miles! But I learned a fun trick from my sister. Instead of saying snarky things to other drivers (even while alone in the car), God challenged her to sing about it. Sometimes she makes up a blessing song for the other drivers, and other times she just sings out her frustration, like:

Why are you going so slow, so SLOW?

I wish to heaven you’d go, you’d GO!

I hope real soon you’ll get out of my way;

And as I go by I’ll wish you a nice day.

So long; so long…

And so forth. You get the idea. She says it makes her laugh at herself and relieves the tension. I’ve tried it, and it really works! And before I know it, they turn off or I’m calm enough to relax and enjoy the journey.

But what do we do when we’re waiting on God for an answer we really need? Financial help, healing, direction. We need an answer. Preferably now! Those are tense times which no made-up song can dispel. We need the One who moves mountains to move one for us.

We know from scripture that God will answer us in one of three ways:


No, I have something better

or Not Yet.

The person who wrote the following psalm did not diversify his prayer investment. He put all his eggs in one basket; all his money in one bank; all his bets on one horse. And he waited with anticipation and expectancy. He waited with hope!

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.

I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning,

more than watchmen wait for the morning.

Ps. 130:5-6, emphasis mine

A night watchman knows the sun will come up eventually, and his shift will end. He watches the darkness fade and finally the sunrise appears when the world comes to life. Relief! He knows someone will come to take his post and he can go home to rest.

That was how this God-follower hoped in God. Every fiber of his being was focused on God, and nothing else. But notice, he didn’t just sit and do nothing while he waited. He continued doing what he knew to do—he stayed alert; he watched over those under his care; and he kept trusting help would come.

Here are two more verses about waiting that prompt me to do the same:

Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws,
    we wait for you;
your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.
My soul yearns for you in the night;
    in the morning my spirit longs for you.

Isa. 26:8-9

While walking…we wait. We don’t sit down with our head in our hands and wait for the answer to fall in our lap. We keep moving. We take the next step, and the next. We do what we know is right until God’s answer comes. We keep looking to Him, yearning for God’s presence and His will. And we press on in hope.

I love this song by Lincoln Brewster, “While I Wait.” The music and lyrics are filled with the hope we need, while we wait for God to bring the answers we seek.

Too Young to Die

I had planned to post a different article today for my Hope Series, but right now, I just need to talk.

This morning I learned that searchers found the body of our twenty-one-year-old friend, who’s been missing for three weeks, floating in the Bay. We’ve prayed diligently every day for his safe return, since he left home. I know his mom and brother have been going out of their minds with worry and fear.

This is exactly why I began the series in the first place. Hopelessness and despair has a grip on people young and old. We have lost our anchor.

Life is hard. We all have days when we wonder how we’ll ever recover from the blow that has taken us down. But when we turn to God, we recover. I don’t know how it’s possible sometimes, but we do. It doesn’t happen quickly, and it’s not always pretty along the way, but we do recover. We even smile and laugh and love again, when we thought we never would.

We rise from the ashes of war, abuse, divorce, addiction, bankruptcy, and incarceration. With Christ. He is the anchor that holds us steady through the storm and keeps us from drifting into despair. In this world of grief and suffering He is our only Hope.

I’m a bit of a mess myself today. I’m sad, and so very angry. He died too young! I keep picturing this young man as he was when I saw him last–vibrant, in love with Jesus, curious, and mischievous. I pray he reached for Jesus in his last moments, who I am confident was there, reaching out to him.

I want the anguish to stop! For people to turn to God, and let Him heal their wounds and guide them through the messes and heartaches of life like only He can.

My soul is in deep anguish.
    How long, Lord, how long?

Turn, Lord, and deliver me;
    save me because of your unfailing love.

 I am worn out from my groaning.

All night long I flood my bed with weeping
    and drench my couch with tears.

 The Lord has heard my cry for mercy;
    the Lord accepts my prayer.

Psalm 6:3-4, 6, 9

God hears our cries and He cares about our pain. If you have been thinking about ending your own life please, please understand that this is not the answer. And your death will leave so much heartache for those left without you. Reach out for Jesus instead. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what to say. He knows your heart. I He will help you through.

Do not choose death. Choose life with Jesus. Let Him ease your suffering and bring you joy.

The Power of Words: Hope Series #21

In “What’s in a Name” from this series, I talked about how wounding nicknames can be, and how we need God to give us new names to give us hope. There was an outpouring of response from you readers. So many of you have been cut down by hurtful words. Praise God for the healing He offers us, that releases us from the grip of those labels!

This week my topic is how words can either wound or bless; crush or offer hope.

Throughout my life, I’ve received many comments—about my work, character, appearance, parenting—that have devastated my soul. I’m sure you’ve experienced the same thing. Those words dig deep, and replay in our minds for years to come, even if others may compliment us about the very same things! Experts say it takes 5-7 positive comments to counteract every 1 negative.

A few people have made hurtful comments about my writing over the years, but while I was still in school, two incidents put a dream in my heart that I would one day become a writer.

In sixth grade, I had a teacher named Miss Korvar (which I’ve probably misspelled). I adored her.   It was the 70’s, so she had bleached blonde hair, and wore brightly colored dresses and hoop earrings. She wore long fake eyelashes that invariably came loose when she got sentimental about a story as she read to us. One day before Christmas I gave her a card with the lyrics to a song I had written. After she read it, she started to cry. Blinking through her eyelashes, she said, “I will treasure this. You’re such a good writer, Beth.”

In that moment I saw the power of the written word at work. It could touch people’s hearts.

The second incident happened my junior year of high school. James Walker taught my Creative Writing class. Each week we’d hand in our journals for him to read and make comments. Over and over he said things that encouraged my efforts. But the defining moment was when he told us to write a children’s book. I wrote and illustrated Louie the Lemon (which I later published). He loved it so much he took it home to read to his five-year-old daughter. When he brought it back, he said, “She fell in love with Louie and now she wants lemons on everything! One day, Beth, you’re going to be a writer.”

I learned that words can influence people.

I’m sure you have stories too; of horrible words that shredded your heart, but also, I hope, some beautiful, life-giving words that nourished your soul. The most hope-filled words we can ever receive, however, can only come from God. He alone knows exactly what we need and exactly when we need it. Most often, He speaks to us through the Bible—His Word.

God created everything there is, with just words. He spoke, and our world and all living things came into being! When Genesis one tells about each day of creation, it says “God said…and it was so.” God has unlimited power and authority over all the universe!

Psalm 119—the longest chapter of the Bible—contains 176 verses! And a lot of them are in praise of God’s words. They are truth, life, hope, and they give us direction:

43 Never take your word of truth from my mouth, for I have put my hope in your laws… 49 Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope…

50 This is my comfort in my affliction, For Your word has given me life. (NKJV)

74 May those who fear you rejoice when they see me, for I have put my hope in your word

81 My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my hope in your word

114 You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word

116 Sustain me, my God, according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed…

147 I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word.

(emphasis mine)

Jesus, the Son of God, is also referred to as the Living Word. He was with God and actively involved in the creation process. And Jesus came in the form of a man to show as well as speak the Word of God:

John 1:1, 14: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

So, whose words should we believe, letting them shape our self-concept and our future? People can be kind and supportive, but they can also be deceitful, manipulative, and cruel, even when they don’t mean to be. It’s nice when people say good things to us, but God is the only One who always tells us the truth we need to hear. He infuses us with hope, the courage to do what is right, and tenacity to face the toughest days.

There is power in what God says! Look to Him today and listen to His words. I promise you they will be just what you need.

Will we believe what others say? Or will we believe what God says about us?

Lauren Daigle’s, “You Say.”

He Will Always Care for Me: Hope Series #20

Years ago, my friends fostered two little girls, two and four. They lavished them with love, clothes, plenty of food, books and toys galore. The girls had everything they could possibly need or want. Yet, they continually stashed food in their pockets, backpacks, under their beds, and in their closets. Their mother had been a drug addict, the father absent. The four-year-old had been “taking care” of her sister by scavenging food from the dumpster outside their apartment.

My friends explained to the girls over and over, “You don’t have to do that anymore. You have a home now with a mommy and a daddy. We’ll take care of you and provide for all your needs.” The girls couldn’t bring themselves to trust. The hunger in them was not just physical; it had gone soul deep.

When those who should care for us don’t or can’t; when our emotional needs are not met; it’s hard to trust God can and will take care of us. We experience an ever-growing hunger for love that we try to fill with relationships, substances, work, food, or other things. But nothing and no one else will satisfy.

But instead of turning to God, we choose to go dumpster diving, hoarding scraps of rotting food, when a feast is available to us. It’s right in front of us. There is hope for a better life.

Are you afraid to let go of the habits you’ve developed, to protect and provide for yourself? The Father invites you to His bountiful table. If you do, you’ll discover you can let go of your secret stash, and breathe easier. Your Father longs to supply for all your needs.

“For you have been my hope, Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth. From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you… As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more” (Ps. 71:5-6, 14).

We can rest in these reassuring words about God in Ryan Ellis’s song, “Gonna Be Alright.”